This is your chance to be a part of the largest club in Fannin County! For an annual $25.00 membership fee, you can be a part of over 200 high school and middle school band students' lives. You can watch as they become mentally and physically challenged in the field of music. You can travel with them as they visit areas all over Georgia, the United States, and other countries to perform. Each month our booster club has a meeting to conduct business concerning the financial needs and support of each band student, and we vote as an organization to meet the needs of the Fannin County Band as a whole.
If you are interested in becoming a Fannin County Band Booster, please send your check for $25.00 (per family) with name, address, and phone number to: Fannin County Band Booster Club, P.O. Box 1641, Blue Ridge, GA 30513. Contact any of the Band Booster Club Officers listed on the website for more information.
Band Booster meetings take place on the third Tuesday of every month in the Fannin County High School Band Room at 6:00 P.M. inside the Performing Arts Center. We hope to see you there! Please check the Booster News page for important announcements. WHO'S GOT THE BEST BAND? FANNIN COUNTY!
