The Fannin County High School Marching Band has several ways to transport it's uniforms and equipment for all home and away game performances, parades and band competitions. Without these means of transportation it would be virtually impossible for the band to travel and to function. On this page we are featuring our "fleet" and would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors which make this possible.

The "Rebel" 4-Wheeler and Equipment Trailer are property of the Fannin County Band Booster Club.

Special thanks to First Baptist Church of Blue Ridge for donating the Band Van. The Uniform Trailer is property of the Fannin County Band Booster Club.
The Band Booster Club would like to give a special thanks to Nick & Monica Barker and  for the Van and Uniform Trailer's new look for the 2010-2011 school year!

A huge thanks to our truck driver, Mr. Mike McHan and for the use of his truck to all away games, festivals and parades. The semi trailer is property of the Fannin County Band Booster Club.
The Band Booster Club would like to give a special thanks to Nick & Monica Barker and  for the semi trailer's new look for 2010-2011 school year!